Elly’s Coronavirus Memo / Policy
Elly’s Pancake House of Glenview1624 Milwaukee Avenue
Glenview, Illinois, 60025
847-635-9500 / info@ellysglenview.com
Elly’s Coronavirus Memo / Policy
- Stay home if you are sick. If you are experiencing symptoms of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), including fever (100.4 degrees or above), cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chest tightness, extreme fatigue, loss of sense of taste or smell, diarrhea, muscle aches, or headaches – please stay home and call your doctor.
- Stay home if you’ve had contact with a potentially infected person. The virus spreads easily from person to person. Please stay home until you’ve been tested if you’ve had contact with a confirmed case or potentially infected person. This includes people returning from high risk countries.
- Refresh yourself on proper cough and sneeze hygiene. Cover your nose or mouth with a tissue or your elbow – not your hand. Discard the tissue and wash your hands immediately afterwards.
- Wash your hands regularly. Frequent and proper handwashing is extremely vital to prevent the transmission of the virus. Wash your hands after using the restroom, touching your face, eating, drinking, coughing, or sneezing, and at regular intervals throughout the day. Use warm water or as hot as you can tolerate. Add soap and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, or the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. In addition, using hand sanitizer (with at least 60 percent alcohol) and sanitizing products regularly can help prevent the transmission of the virus.
- Stop touching your face. Fomites – objects that we commonly touch are the main way disease is spreading. Reduce the chance of transmission from a fomite by keeping your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth when you touch or are in contact with a fomite. Regularly clean high-touch surfaces including doorknobs, light switches, shared equipment, toilet handles, sink faucets, POS terminals, etc.
- Rely on virtual communication when possible. In an effort to cut down on human-to-human contact, please cancel in-person meetings and communicate via videoconferencing or phone calls.
- Ensuring ample hand sanitizer and sanitizing products for all employees and customers. Sanitizer is provided at each of our workstations.
- Increasing the times we clean all high-touch surfaces, including door handles, light switches, shared equipment, toilet handles, sink faucets, POS terminals, phones, etc.
- Encouraging rigorous, hourly hand washing routines for 20 seconds or longer.
- Providing masks to employees, especially when it is not possible to maintain at least 6 feet of space between you and another person.
- Utilizing floor decals to make 6-foot spacing for employees and customers to maintain appropriate distance from one another.
- Requiring use of gloves by food prep and service area employees.
- Using disposable items for food service, such as ketchup packets, salt n pepper shakers, jellies, hot sauce, butter, etc.
- Providing non-contact curbside pickup.
- Providing non-contact delivery.
- Providing non-contact catering.